Interdict Wiki


english interlingua
abort (n, v)

Stopping the execution of a program or system before it has completed. The run may be aborted by the program itself, the operating system or a user. For example, an error such as a missing file may cause a program to be aborted.

abortion, abortar / interruption, interrumper

Stoppar le execution de un programma o del systema operative ante su conclusion normal. Le execution pote esser interrumpite per le programma mesme, le systema operative o un usator. P.ex., un error como le manco de un "file" (termino de traducer) pote causar le abortion de un programma.

access (n, v)

The procedure of self-identification on a site or in a program, generally consisting in entering the user name and password required to gain access to a computer system. The same of login, log in.

accesso, acceder / ingresso, entrar

Le procedura de autoidentification sur un sito o in un programma, generalmente consistente in inserer le nomine del usator e le contrasigno requirite pro ganiar accesso a un systema computerisate.

applet (n)
Java program normally inserted in one page and interpreted by the browser.
Insertion Applicative Java (IAJ)
Un parve programma Java inserite in un pagina HTML e interpretate per le navigator de rete.
Application Program Interface (API) (acr)

This is the way a supplier of a software application enables a user to integrate this application with the user.

Interfacie Applicative (IA)

Le collection de proceduras, functiones, metadatos, symbolos e regulas preparate pro consentir a un programma externe de integrar se con un application.

archive (n, v)

This is the storage of information for long periods of time. The data is likely to be compressed to take less space and may be stored on a cheaper storage medium such as magnetic tape or optical disks, freeing space on the main computer system. It can be accessed if needed, but is not so easily available as the original information.

archivo, archivar

Area de immagazinage de informationes per longe periodos de tempore. Saepe, al fin de sparniar spatio, le archivo es comprimite (secun le methodo de compression on dice archivo RAR, ZIP, ARJ, LHA etc.), e a vices, al fin de celar le informationes reservate, le archivo es cryptographate. In omne caso, le adito al informationes contenite in un archivo non es assi immediate como pro le informationes non archivate.

array (n)

A very common data structure which groups together a number of objects (or variables) usually of the same type. Each item in the array is accessed using an integer which gives its place in the array, for example, if there is an array called "phone" which holds data about different types of phones, then the second item in that array would be accessed by phone(2) - where the integer in brackets is the array subscript, giving the position in the list of phone objects. Subscript numbering in arrays usually start at zero, but may start at one, as in the example given here.

vector/matrice; rango/esquadra (de decider)
assembler (n)

A program that translates a program written in assembly language into machine code.

assembly language

A special type of programming language where the instructions are closely related to the computer being programmed (rather than a common language which is similar on any type of computer). In general, each assembly language instruction is changed into one machine-code instruction.

linguage de assemblar (de decider)
attachment (n)
attached file to an e-mail message.
"file" (termino de traducer) juncte
"file" (termino de traducer) juncte/includite in un pagina web o in un message de posta electronic.